To All the Curvy Girls

To every curvy girl who don’t love themselves, I was you.

To every curvy girl who can’t look in the mirror without disgust, I was you.

To every curvy girl who is trying to lose weight doing crazy things, I was you.

To  every girl curvy girl who wants to be the skinny friend, I was you.

Sometimes, I still am.

All my life I haven’t been the prettiest, smartest, most outgoing or skinny. I was just me and at some point I stopped believing that being myself was good enough. It took me writing a college essay about everything I experienced to see how much I was so lost in my own confusion and pain that I didn’t love myself. I can’t say that I’m fully there but I can say that I making progress and some days are harder than other. If there is anything I learned, it’s that when you make peace with yourself everything becomes easier.

If I should publish my college essay (if you wanna read my struggles) let me know


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